Deliver the best digital customer experience

Digital customer experience drives brand loyalty, competitive advantage, and business growth. Catchpoint provides true end-to-end visibility to ensure flawless user experiences in the entire service delivery chain.

customer experience dashboard illustration

What is digital customer experience?

A digital experience refers to a collection of digital interactions between a business and its customers. Every digital touchpoint a customer has with an organization impacts the overall customer experience and shapes their perception of the organization. Therefore, digital experience monitoring serves as the cornerstone of customer engagement, fostering brand loyalty and driving competitive advantage.

Great digital experiences require a resilient Internet

Understanding the performance of complex, distributed apps and web services is challenging. End users have to be able to access services and workplaces whenever they need, wherever they are - and get an experience they enjoy. Understanding only part of the digital environment isn't enough. You need complete visibility into every layer of the service delivery chain, from the end user’s point of view, to track real-world experience.

Eliminate blind spots and prevent outages from negatively impacting users

Antizipieren, messen und genau bestimmen, um Probleme schnell zu erkennen.

An excellent digital experience relies on an array of external services you don’t directly control. Achieving that level of experience requires continuous observability from as many different vantage points as possible, to gain the fullest picture and ensure reliability, availability, and performance.

Catchpoint’s Customer Experience solution is powered by the world’s largest independent observability network, monitoring performance from over 2,600 vantage points. The world’s most recognizable brands use Catchpoint to catch issues across their Internet Stack before they impact their business.

Stop Internet outages in their tracks. We can help.

Customer Experience use cases

Catch issues across the Internet Stack and ensure superior digital customer experiences.

google cloud monitoring dashboard

Incident management

Deliver reliable, resilient digital experiences by catching issues at the source with actionable intelligence and reduce the frequency, duration, and impact of incidents.


Überprüfen Sie objektiv, ob Sie die Kundenerwartungen mit unabhängigen SLA-Berichten von Dritten erfüllen.

Cloud migration

Erkennen Sie Probleme schnell, wenn sie auftreten - damit Sie auch bei einem Ausfall der Cloud zuverlässig arbeiten können.

Vendor selection and management

Bewerten Sie Anbieter mithilfe des umfangreichsten globalen Beobachtungsnetzwerks der Branche mit Tausenden von Beobachtungspunkten bei Cloud- und Nicht-Cloud-Anbietern.

David Gonzalez

Direktor für technische Angelegenheiten

Because of Catchpoint, we haven't had a single incident in the past year and a half that we didn't discover in less than five minutes. So seeing a drop from two hours to five minutes is a pretty big deal for us.

Learn more about our Customer Experience Solution

Lösung Brief


Papier von Dritten

Forrester Opportunity Snapshot: Steigern Sie Ihren Umsatz mit Internet Performance Monitoring


2024 SRE-Bericht