Deliver high-performing websites for continuous growth

On the modern web, every second counts. Catchpoint empowers you to deliver exceptional digital experiences to your users worldwide.

website experience filmstrip dashboard

Is your website optimized to deliver an exceptional user experience?

On the modern web, slight differences in website speed and accessibility can significantly impact your search ranking and conversion rates. Catchpoint’s website experience solution, powered by WebPageTest, the gold standard in web performance testing, empowers Front-end, DevOps, and QA teams to collaborate efficiently in a single place to fix performance issues and deliver flawless customer experiences. It’s the first comprehensive website performance tool for modern enterprises, designed to ensure alignment across the IT organization.

Website Experience use cases

Improve your SEO and website health and measure user journey performance across devices, browsers, and networks to rapidly identify and proactively fix performance issues before they impact your website and business.

web performance comparison dashboard

Web performance optimization

Maximize sales and maintain your brand's reputation by identifying and resolving bottlenecks with ease.  

Analyze and improve your website performance in real-time by running instant tests with any type of device, browser, network, or location. Test the impact of recommended changes without changing code.

Shift-left web performance to ensure successful deployments every time. Integrate effortlessly with existing CI/CD tools like Jenkins and make website performance essential to your workflows.

SEO optimization

Boost your SEO ranking, improve conversion rates, and unlock your website’s true potential.

Dive deep into your website's Core Web Vitals, Lighthouse scores, and custom metrics to uncover the critical factors impacting your search engine rankings and user experience. Benchmark your performance against competitors and gain actionable insights to optimize your website for success.

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wpt test run

Website performance monitoring

Boost your website traffic and revenue by ensuring that your website is fast, reliable, and high performing.

Schedule, monitor, and compare key performance metrics like Core Web Vitals across locations, devices, and browsers with historical data. Set custom performance budgets and receive proactive alerts for breached thresholds.

Rapidly identify issues when they arise and confidently troubleshoot problems - to stay reliable even when the cloud goes down. Combine the power of synthetic monitoring with deep insights of real user monitoring (RUM) to gain a complete picture of your website's performance and the end-user experience.

Carbon footprint optimization

Build a greener digital future by minimizing the environmental impact of your website.

Measure and reduce the carbon footprint of your website with Carbon Control. Analyze website traffic and resource usage to gain actionable insights, experiment with different configurations, and see the real impact of your changes without touching code.

illustrated carbon control wpt screenshot

Test your website performance!

Test and optimize your website performance for lightning-fast speed with WebPageTest - the gold standard in web performance testing.

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Gary Ballabio

Vice President of Technology Partnerships

It really came down to the service itself and what it was providing us. We can run simultaneous tests with Catchpoint from different agents all over the world, which gives us a real comparison of what website performance looks like with and without Cloudinary and the optimizations that we can provide.

Hear from our customers

Businesses rely on the Internet. The Internet relies on Catchpoint.

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Martin Norato Auer

VP, CX Observability Dienstleistungen

We get Catchpoint alerts within seconds when a site is down and within three minutes, identify exactly where the issue is coming from and inform our customers and work with them.”
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A headshot photo of a person

Charles Conley

Leiter, IT OPS

Their support has been fantastic - really taking the time to show us new features as they come out - and they are coming out with new features very frequently."
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A headshot photo of a person

Gary Ballabio

VP Technologiepartnerschaften

It really came down to the service itself and what it was providing us. We can run simultaneous tests with Catchpoint from different agents all over the world, which gives us a real comparison of what website performance looks like."
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Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Website Experience Solution

Lösung Brief


Lösung Brief

Comparing WebPageTest and Catchpoint Internet Performance Monitoring (IPM) Platform


Core Web Vitals