Website performance optimization for an exceptional user experience

Optimize your website performance for lightning-fast speed and leave your competition behind.

wpt test run

Bieten Sie fantastische Markenerlebnisse und konvertieren Sie mehr Nutzer, indem Sie Ihre Websites kontinuierlich optimieren.

Users expect nothing but the best. Slow navigation through eCommerce flows, lagging or janky loading animations, and poor mobile performance all lead to a drop in user retention and revenue.

Gain complete control over your website's performance with the most accurate and detailed performance metrics, powered by WebPageTest. Analyze and improve website experiences for users with any type of device, browser, network, or location.

Test your website performance!

Test and optimize your website performance for lightning-fast speed with WebPageTest - the gold standard in web performance testing.

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Schnelle Verbesserung der Webleistung

Run instant tests to measure and improve your website performance in real-time with options to run Lighthouse tests and get CrUX report in the results.

illustrated web perf optimization screenshot

Umfassende Wasserfalldiagramme

Get instant access to the most powerful and widely documented waterfall charts to identify even the most complex of performance issues. Uncover HTML, JS, CSS, image, DOM, and third-party load requests with unparalleled detail.

Akkurate, gemeinsam nutzbare Filmstreifen

Sehen Sie, wie Ihre Website in der realen Welt auf einer Vielzahl von Geräten, Netzwerken und Browsern (nicht nur Chrome!) geladen wird, und verstehen Sie, wie sich Codeänderungen auf die Webleistung auswirken können.

Take the guess work out of performance

Get helpful, actionable suggestions to improve your site’s speed, usability, and resilience. Test the impact of suggested changes on live sites without deploying a single line of code with no-code experiments.

Improve Core Web Vitals

Continuously monitor and optimize CWVs like LCP, INP, CLS, and other critical metrics impacting search engine rankings and user experience over time.

Guy Kobrinsky

VP Cloud Platform

Our business depends on the trust between us and our publisher and advertiser partners. We want to be proactive and fast about resolving issues, and monitoring with Catchpoint is one of the key ways we can do that.

Beheben Sie Probleme, bevor sie in der Produktion auftreten

Collaborate with QA and Dev teams within a single portal to identify and resolve performance issues in production, staging, and development environments.

Nahtlos nach links verschieben

Erhalten Sie Zugang zur WebPageTest API und integrieren Sie die Website-Performance nahtlos in Ihre CI/CD-Umgebung, indem Sie webperf zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil Ihres Entwicklungsworkflows machen.

Compare test records

Easily compare different records on the same screen to track improvements or regressions over time. Understand your performance before and after deployments to ensure successful releases.

Und vieles mehr

Third-party request maps, custom metrics, Lighthouse scores, CrUX reports, custom and automated scripting, and more are available within each and every Web Page Instant Test result.

illustrated website waterfall screenshot

Kostenloser Online-Kurs

Lightning-fast web performance

Lernen Sie, die Leistung von Websites zu analysieren, Probleme zu beheben, Regressionen zu überwachen und von Anfang an schnelle, reaktionsfähige Designs zu erstellen.

Learn more about Website Performance Optimization

Lösung Brief



5 Steps to Improve Website Performance Guide (PDF)


Core Web Vitals